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涓芥按鐢熸 佷骇涓氶泦鑱氬尯妫 楠屾 娴嬪叕鍏辨湇鍔 钩鍙? 鎹 腑鍥芥斂搴滅綉娑堟伅锛屽浗鍔 櫌鍔炲叕鍘呬粖鏃ュ彂甯冦 婂叧浜庝績杩涜繘鍑哄彛绋冲畾澧為暱鐨勮嫢骞叉剰瑙併 嬨 傘 婃剰瑙? 涓 浗涓滃寳鍦板尯瑁呭 鍒堕 犱笟鍔犲揩鈥滆蛋鍑哄幓鈥? 璐ㄦ 鎬诲眬娣卞叆寮 灞曟槬瀛e啘璧勬墦鍋団 滆川妫 鍒? 鏍稿績鎶 鏈 湪鑱斿Щ鍚庢棗寮 寰楄儨鈥滅摝鍔涙満鍣ㄤ汉. 鍥藉 璐ㄦ 鎬诲眬鍓 眬闀挎 鍏嬩繚瑙嗗療. H2 甯歌 妫 娴? A 鐗圭 妫 娴? A 鐢熸 佺汉缁囧搧妫 娴? A 鍥藉 鏍囧噯妫 娴? A 寤虹瓚閽 粨鏋勬 娴? A 閲戝睘娑傚眰 锛堢數鍔涖 侀 氳 銆佷氦閫氥 佹按鍒 級妫 娴? A 鍗遍櫓鍖栧 鍝佸寘瑁呯墿鍙婂 鍣? 闈掓捣鐪侀 甯冨 鏍 紙鎵樺辜鏈烘瀯锛夐 鍫傞. 寮哄寲鑷 富鍒涙柊 鍖楁苯闆嗗洟浜 浉涓 浗鑷? 2015涓 浗鍥介檯绾虹粐绾辩嚎锛堢 鍐 級. 涓 浗璁 噺闄 笌鏂扮枂璐ㄧ洃灞 鍚堜綔缁? 娴欐睙锛氫附姘村 鎺 苟涓捐В鍐抽 鐢ㄨ弻. 浠h 寤鸿 淇 敼娓斾笟娉? .
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Comment to be added 3. So please, my resources are running dry. Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. Where the Red Fern Grows.